4 Quotes & Sayings By Allan Gurganus

Allan Gurganus is the author of seventeen novels, most recently The Beggar's Opera, a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist and a New York Times Notable Book. His work is included in the anthologies The Best American Short Stories, The Best American Mystery Stories, and Great American Short Stories. He is a recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship in fiction and the winner of NEA Literature Fellowships in Fiction and Creative Nonfiction. An alumnus of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, he was named an "angry young man" by Esquire magazine Read more

In 2000, he was selected to represent the United States in International PEN's World Voices Literary Festival held in Helsinki, Finland. He lives in Greensboro, North Carolina with his wife and two sons.

Writing means being a fascinated slave to current events. Allan Gurganus
He, the true writer, is the department store dummy at the very center of the whole establishment, the one left alone on display all night, a price tag stapled to every piece of clothing they’ve yanked onto him, binoculars and frog flippers included. He is the neutral, generic human form, the gray center who must always assume disguises – in order to be seen and, therefore, to feel himself. Allan Gurganus
I'm a great admirer of Primo Levi's work. It's always mind-boggling, the idea of how much pain people can endure and still come back from the edge with a sense of humor, with this tremendous animal desire we have to get on with life. Allan Gurganus